CruiseDay_9, Ephesus

Outside the port of Kuşadası, waiting for our bus to take us to Ephesus.

Our local guide, Jon.

private WC for a fee.
We were entering the archeological site from the Upper Entrance.

The semi-circular seating area in the back is the Odeum, where powerful members of the
city met and discussed city matters, and also where concerts were performed.
The wide area in front of the Odeum is the State Agora which was a square
surrounded by city offices.

The double-row of pillars marks the footprint of the Basilica.
While today the word Basilica means church, but back then it was a commerce place
where the merchants traded goods and bankers changed money.

The two pillars are what's left of the Prytaneion (The Municipality Palace)
where a spiritual "eternal flame" was kept and visiting dignitaries were welcomed.

Temple of Domitian, built during 81-96 A.D., was the first temple in Ephesus
built in the name of an emperor. The temple was two stories tall.

The frieze of the Goddess of Victory Nike,
which once topped a gate.

We were walking on the Curetes Road ("Curetes" referred to a class of priests in Ephesus).
Statues, bubbling fountains, arches, and shops lined the street.
Columns supported a covered sidewalk for pedestrians, while
chariots, wagons, and men on horseback travelled the road.
The 2-story Celsus library is visible ahead of us.
Ahead on the left hand side a canopy-covered roof is visible (just before the Celsus library),
that is where the Terrace houses are.

Mosaic floor on the sidewalk of the Curetes Road.

Trajan Fountain, with a huge reservoir basin.
Beneath the pediment once stood a gigantic statue of emperor Trajan.
While the wealthy had indoor plumbing, fountains like this were
the sole source of water for everyone else.

remains of Temple of Hadrian.

The library of Celsus, originally built in A.D. 135.
What you see here is the "restored" front facade (restored in the 1970's).
The interior of the library and all its books were destroyed by
earth quakes, fire, and looting.
The front facade was also destroyed by a later earthquake, likely in the late Byzantine period.

The 7 houses on the terrace with its own atrium, pool, and elaborated decorations
presents a vivid picture of the life style of the rich Ephesians.

Terrace Houses - craftsman working on restoring a decorated wall.

 Terrace Houses - Excavation and restoration were working side-by-side.

The Great Theater held about 25,000 spectators.
We asked our guide, Jon, if this was where St. Paul preached to the Ephesians.
"NO", he said, we only know he preached to the Ephesians, but
we do not know exactly where he preached.

The Marble Road.

Costumed actor / actress staged a drama for visitors.

We loved the pageantry, even though we do not know what the story line was about.

Harbor Road (Arcadian Way), linking the city to the harbor.
This was the city's glitzy main boulevard, with shops along the way.

We exited from the Lower Entrance.
Outside the Lower Entrance there was a shop selling Genuine Fake Watches.